Sun Signs—February 2017

The planets of love and sex hook up this month, and the relationship gets hot right around Valentine’s Day. When Venus and Mars meet, Cupid is in the house, and the potential for attracting love is on. A magical lunar eclipse on the 10th and a powerful solar eclipse on the 26th accelerate change, delivering important endings and beginnings. Checkout where these fireworks and game-changing turning points are happening in your horoscope.  

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18)  Meetups with inspiring, exciting people fill your tank and fuel opportunities for communication. The lunar eclipse on the 10th shines a light on balancing your needs with those of others. The powerful solar eclipse and cluster of watery planets in your house of money and resources on the 26th, opens the floodgates to finding your worth.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) You may have sudden windfalls or unexpected expenses this month. But the force is with you, if you can keep impulsivity in check. Get your life/work balance in order, in that order. Practice healthy selfishness and avoid drama—especially at the office. You are the captain of the sea-changing eclipse in your sign at the end of the month. Whether it’s a new chapter or completion of what you’ve been creating over the past two years, you’re a swimmer and know how to navigate these waters.

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Charming, confident, and popular, you’re looking and feeling good. If you know your heart’s desire, shoot that arrow now. The last week of the month finds you doing yoga, meditation, or fluffing the feathers of your love nest. Who knows, maybe you’ve found your soulmate.  

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)  Easy does it, Taurus. You’re busy and burn-out is a real possibility. Don’t let others drain you. A lunar eclipse in your house of home and family may set in motion a move or an early spring cleaning. The solar eclipse on the 26th in your house of friends and groups may wash away the people you’ve outgrown. If you don’t get stuck in the mud, this magical eclipse is fertile ground for planting seeds and wishing your way to what you really want.   

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)  Your role as teacher, communicator, and salesperson is expanding and connecting you to stimulating people. You have an opportunity now to use your gifts in a way that lifts us all up. On Valentine’s Day, you could bump into true love right outside your frontgate. The powerful eclipse at the end of month in your career house could sweep you into your dream job. Listen to your intuition and inner voice, the universe is talking to you.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Whether you work for somebody else or you’re your own boss, know your worth. Put your foot down and ask for more. On Valentine’s day, things might get steamy in the employee lounge with the cutie from accounts payable. With a watery eclipse at the end of the month throwing a pool party in your house of beliefs and long distance travel, you have a mainline to the divine. Take what you’ve learned far and wide or upload it to the web from the comfort of a new or improved home. Hint: You’re going to need a bigger boat, Cancer.

LEO (July 23-Aug 22)  Dear Leo, you are SO loveable. The magical eclipse on the 10th in your sign sets you on a course of actually believing it. All the planetary action in your house of higher learning and long distance travel this month helps you get out of your own way. On Valentine’s Day, you might meet your soulmate at the latest ethnic fusion restaurant or a seminar in Zanzibar. As the Bard says, Love on.  

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) You’ve been having a hard time. Stop complaining. You’re being asked to be more detail oriented, which should be a no brainer for you, Virgo. The lunar eclipse on the 10th highlights your inner life; study astrology, start a meditation or spiritual practice, decipher your dreams–that’s where you’ll shine. By the big solar eclipse at the end of the month, you may be ready to release a relationship or partner who’s no longer serving you; the collective needs you now.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) With both love planets playing nice in your partnership house, there are  bound to be fireworks. For those of you rare Libra’s not in a relationship, you could find love unexpectedly–online, with a friend, or even at work. With the lunar eclipse on the 10th in your house of friends and groups, decide who’s wasting your time, and who’s worth it. The solar eclipse on the 26th turns you to self-care. Get to the gym, hike outdoors, carve out time for yourself.  Balance is your mantra.

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) For those of you looking for love, someone from your past might resurface this month. You are not past your dancing days, Scorpio. The lunar eclipse on the 10th lights up your career house and positively impacts your financial resources as well as circumstances at work. Maybe you get a promotion, your shares appreciate, or you move to a new office. The super-charged solar eclipse on the 26th, gives you an opportunity to turn your dreams into reality. Express new parts of yourself; tap into your creativity. The universe has your back. Download the information; and take notes.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Things lighten up this month. You may be traveling or making plans to take a trip. With the love and passion planets firing up your house of fun and romance (and in harmony with your sun sign), you’re up for an adventure; you could meet a foreigner or start a long distance relationship. The lunar eclipse on the 10th opens your mind, bringing new insights, and expanding your voice. You may feel the big solar eclipse at the end of the month on a deeply emotional level that precipitates a shift in where or how you live. Pay attention to your beliefs and philosophy, as they are a Sag’s true north.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19)  You’re refining your career goals this month. The lunar eclipse on the 10th shines a light on what you need and value versus what others expect from you. Don’t get sucked into other people’s dramas. Set boundaries; say, no. As you own your power, you expand your talents and resources. Around that mystical solar eclipse on the 26th, your intuition is flawless. If there’s something you’ve been working on, writing, or teaching, the ground is fertile to let it grow.