Sun Signs—May 2017

After months of retrograde planets dragging us backwards, things are beginning to loosen up and move forward. Flashes of insight reinvigorate our lives this month. Doors swing open for bright ideas that might actually work. But these breakthroughs don’t come without a few surprises; so make plans but be willing to change them when necessary.  

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You’re usually tuned into the tangible, but an old ghost rumbling around in the attic might go bump in the night. It’s time to jettison them bones for good. A clean sweep infuses some fresh air at the end of month, getting you to brush up your finances. How about reading something new, like Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits? It might change the way you think about investments…to create more abundance. 

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Collaborating with your most eccentric and unusual circles can awaken your goals, giving you a new platform to reach your dreams. Two heads (or three or four, for that matter) are better than one. No one appreciates that adage more than you. By month’s end you’ll be most satisfied with a little less conversation and a little more action. 

CANCER (June 21-July 22) You’re proving Thomas Edison right—that “ninety-eight per cent of genius is hard work.” A light turns on around your career this month. Just be sure to get to bed early, which will allow your genius to peer out from under that shell. By month’s end, with more attention paid to your dreams, you’ll have tapped insight to side step into a brilliant career. 

LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Oh dear lion, your creative life has felt like a grind for a while. You sure could use a break. Things look good for a last-minute, long-distance trip to reset the mental logjam. You’ve put in the work. Now share it across social media—one of those original ideas might go viral. Meanwhile, don’t rule out referring to the occult; you’re reading this aren’t you?

VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Virgo, it’s really OK to leave behind that card catalogue of family memorabilia you’ve been sifting through. You’ve labeled and tagged everything, now let the burden go. The ground is fertile for family dynamics to begin to shift in a way that’s liberating and for you to release the past and step more lightly into the future. By the end of the month, your career path contains multitudes.

LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) The lines of communication suddenly open up with those unpredictable, hard to please people—you know the ones—who’ve been throwing you off balance. A different perspective is helping you see more eye-to-eye. Now you’re freed to focus on new ways to explore the world. 

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Congratulations! Your efforts to revitalize your health regimen are beginning to pay off. As you tune up your body, you’re finding new ways to put your skills to work, which is boosting your self-esteem and helping you build more stable income streams. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) A sudden revelation around romance reminds you that, ‘freedom’s just another name for nothing left to lose.’ The author of those lyrics, Kris Kristofferson, once said, “Tell the truth. Sing with passion. Work with laughter. Love with heart.” Archers everywhere are following that advice and finding joy (and freedom) in stepping up to the plate. Swing, Sag, swing.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Surprising insights on the homefront may rattle the floorboards, allowing you to see under the rug to a new configuration. It’s not exactly Tetris, but you’re able to effortlessly reorganize your space in a way that’s a win-win for everyone. By the end of the month, opportunities abound at work; you’re busy, yet still find time to get to the gym. 

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) You’re making serendipitous connections everywhere you  go—from the coffee shop and cat lovers meetup to online communities in Cairo. By the end of May, you’re juggling creative projects and have plans to monetize your passions and pay for your plane ticket to Istanbul. That may have sounded crazy to you two months ago, but the gamble you took then may turn out to be a game changer.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) A surprising twist pertaining to your finances may allow you to pivot (excuse the overused Silicon Valley buzzword) to a new way to make a living. You can uncover fresh resources that may help secure your financial future. To avoid a tailspin, keep your hand on the wheel, pump the brakes, and turn into the curve.  

ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) This month, you come out with guns blazing. Don’t forget to ask questions first; and guard your head, as you’re likely to bump it. Your mental energy crackles and original ideas can find wider appeal. But don’t be surprised if your efforts to reinvent yourself take a detour. A long-distance journey or serious study may be just what you need to update your sizzle reel and make far reaching changes.  


illustration by @boccaccinimeadows