Sun Signs—November 2017

With no personal planets moving backward and the big eclipse behind us, November looks relatively mellow. In general, it’s an opening for action and to launch projects (Insider tip: it’s best to push them out by mid-month.) By Thanksgiving, Scorpio energy, which is about going deep, gives way to Sagittarius’s expansiveness, which says, go wide.
By Lisa Awrey
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) Get ready for a growth spurt. Put your natural talent for REBIRTH on the calendar; you’re primed to roll out a new you. The transformation goes waaaay beyond cutting bangs across your forehead. As you dive deeper, you uncover hidden gifts. In short, you will fall in love with yourself. Striking a rich vein of selfdom not only refreshes your relationships, but clears the way for you to make constructive changes in the workplace and your daily life that could pay off financially for years to come.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) You’re preparing yourself for big changes next month. Spend the next few weeks before your birthday in retreat; tuning into your inner life may run antithetical to your natural dynamism, but forging a connection with your deepest self stokes creativity. Whether you push out a creative project, a child, or find romance, you’re ready to gamble on a risk that gives form to your big ideas and something solid to show for it.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) Lonely goats, it’s time to hang with the herd and pool your collective resources. You could grow your dream team. Don’t worry about your bend towards being reserved, you’ll bump into potential allies everywhere, from the laundromat to gatherings of the One-Percent at Davos. Tap your intuition, shake up your karma, you’ve got the mojo to use your creative inspiration in surprisingly practical ways.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) As you take your career to the next level, don’t be surprised if the powers that be take notice (and you actually become one of them). You’re scaling the ladder and can smell success. Your genius for organizing and ability to work in groups earns you gravitas, and you’re suddenly managing large projects. Your ruling planets are in sync this month, enabling you to structure your progressive ideas. You get good press and your PR improves in the process.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) You’re a flying fish this month so spread those wings and hurl yourself toward freedom. Grow what you know and ferry it far and wide. By month’s end, all your hard work clicks with your canny inventiveness. If you can combine your natural flexibility with a willingness to pivot, you can finesse your way to financial freedom.
ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) As you unearth buried resources, you discover a trove of financial support. Maybe you’re the unwitting recipient of a recently discovered family heirloom, or you’re gifted company shares. Meanwhile, you’re putting the final touches on a radically new image that solidifies your belief system and will soon carry over into either a new career path or the culmination of the one you’ve been forging. An adventure may be brewing for the trailblazer you’re finding yourself to be.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You bulls have it going on in your partnership house. You know who you are, and you’re in tune with your instincts about what you want in a significant other. If you’re not already coupled, get ready for a landslide of hopeful candidates. This is no mere flirtation as you’re ripe for deep connection. Trust that there’ll be one who stands out. It’s likely that you’re equally tuned in to your unconscious, which allows you to tap into your ability to build wealth slowly through long-term investments. You set a fine example of the phrase “Patience is a virtue.”
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Your short attention span sharpens a focus on your daily routine, from your running schedule to other rituals that support your physical health. Twins, you recognize that your body truly is your temple, therefore maintaining healthy habits is the purest form of worship. Some of you could be uncovering a latent passion for service and putting your skills toward helping others. Meanwhile, revolutionary new perspectives on relationships have given you a new appreciation for that old line: “Can’t we just be friends?” You’re learning that friendship really is the basis for the best relationships.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) No need to go out looking for love this month, just don your leather bikini, strike a pose, and let the waves of romance wash over you. Those looking to grow their families won’t need fertility treatments. Crabs not looking to procreate may channel their passions into powerful creative work. Keep scuttling with the creative flow, however it manifests. Now is the time to shake things up on the work-front. Creating freedom professionally will bring stability in the long run.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22) Investigating the ties that bind you to your lineage enables you to know yourself better. As you deepen your roots, you may also add more square footage to your castle. Go for it. Just reserve a wall for the family photos. All this rooting down gives you the faith to brave new worlds and bring your most radical thinking to creative projects. Congratulations Leo, you are finally a voice to be reckoned with.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) You’ve got something to say, and you’re primed to put out an APB with your message. The book’s already written, your next step is the final edit. Check your perfectionism at the door. Your voice is needed now. No reason to venture far afield to find your audience. The neighbor could prove to be a resource once you share your ideas with them. Meanwhile, an unexpected windfall in your shared resources helps you to lay a foundation on which to build your future.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) If you’ve been concerned about finances, good news this month: do what you love and the money will follow. You’re so much more than surface charm and as you recognize that your talents are deep and vast, you’ll find that they may be worth monetizing. There is a deeper lesson at hand, and as you let go of your reliance on other people’s resources, you will build faith in your ability to earn your own keep. With some concerted focus on how you communicate, whether it’s via email or across the garden gate, you will formulate your thoughts in a way that allows you to reinvent your relationships, bringing about greater satisfaction in the give and take.
Illustration by @boccaccinimeadows