Market Report: Hardy Greens

Just as we start taking summer produce for granted, our farmers switch it up and send us kale instead. As the temperatures keep dropping, these hardy greens only grow sweeter. Our chefs have been busy developing recipes with all the delicious winter greens coming our way. We couldn’t be more delighted. Sun Basket’s staff dietitian Kaley Todd is pretty happy, too. These nutrient-dense greens are some of her favorites: 


This peppery Mediterranean weed delivers a whole lot of goodness with very few calories. It’s a source of vitamins A, C, and K, and—like other winter greens—may reduce the risk of cancer. It’s got a lively flavor that we love to pair with steaks and other rich foods. The tender leaves thrive in cool temperatures, so look for plenty of arugula in weeks ahead. Chef Justine likes to stir it into soups and pasta sauces. 

Bok Choy

This Asian green and its relatives, Napa cabbage and tatsoi, all stem from the same species of turnip. Bok choy is a rich source of beta-carotene; it also delivers a whopping dose of vitamin K, which protects against diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis. But we like it for its sweet flavor and its versatility. Look for it in stir-fries, simply seared as a side dish to grilled meats, and served up raw in a delicious slaw.


Like beets and spinach (it’s related to both), chard ranks near the top of the list of the most nutrient-dense vegetables, with special benefits for controlling blood sugar and supporting the nervous system. Chard’s flavor is sweeter than other winter greens (we’re looking at you, kale). The sturdy leaves hold up well to heat and have a supple, voluptuous texture.


The trendiest of winter greens comes by its popularity honestly. It’s delicious and versatile (salads, stir-fries, smoothies, sautés—is there anything kale can’t do?). Like the other greens on this list, it’s a darling of nutritionists. We love its slightly bitter flavor and beefy minerality.