Sun Signs—April 2017

Taskmaster Saturn and Mercury the messenger join Venus in taking a step back for a bit of reflection. To make the most of this cosmic downtime, complete unfinished projects, clean up paperwork, and backup your computer. It’s not quite time to spring forward.
ARIES (Mar 21-April 19) Hey, all you nefarious Aries business owners, it’s time to clean up your act. With Mercury shifting into reverse around your finances, it’s time to bring your values into alignment with your business practices. You’ve had the last 30 days to consider your heart’s desire. By month’s end you’re more clear about what matters and ready for a fresh start financially.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) You’ve done some deep digging and now you’re shedding old skin and renewing your relationship with yourself. Maybe you’ve been working out and getting into shape? Good job, Taurus, you’ve restored your energy reserves and by next month you’re ready for your reveal. It looks like your stock is going up.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Are you getting enough alone time in nature? If not, go for a hike. It’ll help you jump into the practical efforts of cleaning out your closets, a metaphor for clearing out your psyche. Let it go, twins. Let it go.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) You’ve been reviewing what you like and don’t like about work. And at the same time, expanding on the home front, making improvements to your castle and tending to relationships. All that effort allows you to come out of your shell and reach for a larger cast. As you do, seize opportunities to connect with traveling buddies who share your bucket list of destinations.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22) While you’re figuring out your dream job, don’t get caught up in the mixed messages at work. The he said/she said is a frustrating distraction. Instead, focus on writing and preparing information for publishing. Things are still in the firming-up stage, and by the end of the month you may have found an important missing piece. You’re closing in on getting it out there.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sept 22) Are you rechecking the details for your book tour? Maybe you’re chomping at the bit to go somewhere, learn something new, or teach? Hold your horses until after Mercury, your ruler, moves forward. Relax into some armchair traveling, planning the itinerary. While you’re waiting for the wind to pick up, your coffers might get an unexpected infusion—good timing. By the end of the month, new possibilities with international connections may open up and you’ll be well positioned to bankroll your travels.
LIBRA (Sept 23-Oct 22) Dig deeper, Libra. Your research may turn up useful information. Meanwhile, be careful when signing contracts; double check your tax return. It’s also time to reexamine issues around intimacy and how you open your heart. Charming, but often hard to pin down emotionally, you’re examining how to bring more of yourself into your relationships. That’s a good thing.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) You’re clearing out the clutter and clarifying your priorities. Meanwhile, you’ve delved deep into your psyche and unearthed important insights from the unconscious. Heck, maybe you’ve even made peace with some unresolved issues with authority figures and come to realize how that’s been holding you back in your career. Keep moving Scorpio, now it’s time to do your deep magic in your most intimate, real-time relationships.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21) Hey Sag, it’s time to get to the gym or start a steady running practice. Watch your step. There are things you need to learn, about nutrition or exercise, and integrate into your daily routine. Look to friendships, particularly those involved in healthier pursuits; there may be someone who has info to inspire your health regimen.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19) All work and no play makes Cap very dull. This month it may be time to take that adage seriously. With Mercury taking a backseat in your fun house, it’s time to have a good laugh and rethink what brings you pleasure. Figuring out a few of your favorite things could get your creative juices flowing and stimulate a new hobby or, better yet, a sideline biz. At month’s end, the pace picks up. You’re busy, but remember your lessons about joy and avoid that familiar workaholic mode.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18) Maybe your recent travels have given you a new appreciation for where you come from. It may be time to clear some space for new energy. By the end of the month, you’ll have paved the way for a new creative project. In the meantime, practice the art of listening with the people closest to you, you might glean insight from someone you’ve overlooked in the past.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20) As you reassess your values and reorder your finances, you’re taking a second look at the community around you. Maybe a future friend has moved a few doors down, or the local grocer has some pertinent information. You’ve been integrating what you have learned over the last several months and now the time is ripe to share it on social media. Make sure to backup your hard drive. Bringing all this fresh intel to your home will give you the impetus to clean and declutter.
Find Lisa Awrey on twitter at @lisaoakland
Artwork by @boccaccinimeadows