Turn your Sun Basket meals into a party-ready feast

Holidays call for creative thinking. You want food that’s delicious and impressive, but easy to put together without adding stress to these already crazy times. Sun Basket has your back.
This week, we’re offering three recipes that can be easily adapted to a party spread.
Root Vegetable Latkes with Greek Yogurt and Sauteed Apples
Make 16 smaller latkes rather than 8 and serve with the sautéed apples and yogurt.
Flatbreads with Fried Eggs and Kale-White Bean Salad
Hard cook the egg (boil for 7 to 8 minutes), instead of frying it. Chop it into small pieces and sprinkle over the flatbreads. Cut the flatbreads into bite-sized pieces, and set out on a platter so your guests can help themselves.
Swedish Meatballs with Lingonberry Jam and Mashed Potatoes
Make 20 half-inch meatballs and serve the jam on the side. (Eat mashed potatoes for breakfast the morning after. No one needs to know.)