How We’re Staying Hydrated This Year

When you read about the benefits of water (Detoxifier! Digestive Aid! Moisturizer!), you start to understand the importance of staying hydrated. Every organ in the body needs water in order to function, but studies show that over half of Americans suffer from chronic dehydration. And plenty of us here at Sun Basket are no exception to that statistic. When we started an office health challenge in December, many of our staff committed to increasing their water consumption.
It’s been nearly two months since we consulted our H2O calculator and pledged to drink more water. Here, our thirsty health challengers share the details of their hydration journeys.
“I set out to see if I could drink a baseline of 110 ounces per day (I’m tall, so I have to drink more than most). What works for me is keeping a 32-ounce cup with a straw at my desk, I drink three of those per day and some more water at home to reach my goal. I haven’t noticed any significant results from drinking more water, but according to my FitBit, my quality of sleep has been better.” —George Nachtrieb, Cofounder, and Director of Content
“It’s been easy to drink more water at work, as Test Kitchen Chef Paul Conte makes a pitcher of spa water daily. He adds slices of lemon, lime, orange, cucumber, or mint to the water and leaves it out to encourage us to drink more water. It works.” —Lisa Awrey, Test Kitchen Coordinator
“I made a rule that I could only have my morning coffee if I drank a glass of water first. Setting up a cue and giving myself a reward, really helps. I find that drinking more water means I have more energy, I sleep better, and my skin is clear and healthy. I notice a huge difference in my skin when I’m hydrated.“—Lindsey Kane, Registered Dietitian
“I worked in restaurants, where it’s customary to stay hydrated by drinking from quart-sized plastic containers (no glass in the kitchen!). It’s a habit that I’ve held on to. Maintaining this habit from my restaurant days keeps me super hydrated and less tempted to snack. I think choosing the right vessel can really help. Drinking three large cups of water seems less daunting that drinking eight smaller glasses each day.”—Teresa Karolewicz, Deputy Recipe Editor
“My favorite technique for staying hydrated: every morning I fill quart jars with water and use those to fill my drinking glass throughout the day. I also use an app called “Water Minder” that reminds me to drink up. At first, I felt like I had to go to the bathroom constantly, but my body has acclimated and I don’t get up every five seconds anymore. Although I also have a “Stand Up And Move” goal, so having to go isn’t a bad thing.”—Christina Stork, Content Project Manager
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